about the project

TaideArt is a collaborative initiative undertaken by six Finnish universities of applied sciences. Their goal is to explore new ways of creating business models in the realm of artistic production. The project is based on insights derived from prior research on the difficulties encountered by artists, such as those outlined in Kuvataiteilijan ammattirooli ja osaamistarpeet tulevaisuuden työelämässä, Cupore Publications 2013. One of the primary aims of TaideArt is to enhance the instruction of professional skills in art education programs offered by UAS in Finland.

Various areas of development are being spearheaded by the project partners. The participating universities are involved in pilot projects in conjunction with businesses, municipalities, and NGOs. However, this project is focused on deepening the comprehension of entrepreneurial activity in the arts and flowers. The project’s perspective on entrepreneurship is all-encompassing and not restricted to an economic phenomenon. It is viewed as a societal engagement. The project adopts an entrepreneurial behaviour lexicon to create innovative ways for artists to discuss their work in an entrepreneurial manner. Additionally, the project emphasizes a client-centric approach in the arts industry. Various contexts are examined to understand clients or customers, which enables artists to articulate different relationships and switch between vocabularies as needed.